Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Outta My Way!

Good morning,

Well, it is good to be home.  I've been on a 6-day road trip with friends, whom I also discovered along the way are also my cousins.  It was a fantastic time, but my blogging was restricted.

As soon as I returned home I was hit full in the face with a news story that nearly made me physically sick.   A video recording was released, featuring a high-ranking executive with Planned Parenthood. She was matter-of-factly describing how the organization has for years, through shadowy middle-men, sold the body parts of aborted babies on the black market.  Because they used middle-men, they had been able to preserve their anonymity as they further compounded their evil.  The worst became worse.

I remember as a young person reading in the Bible and hearing sermons about how the priests of Moloch and Baal, pagan religions, sacrificed little babies to that pagan god by burning them on a fiery altar.  (Jeremiah 32:35, one example) I remember thinking how horrific was that practice.  Yet, I doubt that those who worshipped Moloch and Baal murdered, dismembered and/or sold to the highest bidder 55 million babies.  And, that is only the number killed in America since 1973, the year of Roe v. Wade.  It does not account for the number killed prior to that date nor the number killed under American sponsorship overseas.

Psalm 94 is a psalm in which the writer cries out for justice against the evil doer.  Here are the first 11 verses in The Message version.

God, put an end to evil;

    avenging God, show your colors!
Judge of the earth, take your stand;
    throw the book at the arrogant.

God, the wicked get away with murder—

    how long will you let this go on?
They brag and boast
    and crow about their crimes!

They walk all over your people, God,

    exploit and abuse your precious people.
They take out anyone who gets in their way;
    if they can’t use them, they kill them.
They think, “God isn’t looking,
    Jacob’s God is out to lunch.”

Well, think again, you idiots,

    fools—how long before you get smart?
Do you think Ear-Maker doesn’t hear,
    Eye-Shaper doesn’t see?
Do you think the trainer of nations doesn’t correct,
    the teacher of Adam doesn’t know?
God knows, all right—
    knows your stupidity,
    sees your shallowness.

Psalm 94:1-11

"They take out anyone who gets in their way.  If they can't use them, they kill them."  And then, "they brag and boast about their crimes."
Doesn't this describe abortion perfectly?

In connection with the aforementioned news story, which I heard from Erick Erickson on his radio show, John Piper wrote a response.  I'll link it as a source at the bottom of the blog.  I have a great deal of respect for Piper, although he is a staunch Calvinist, and I am not.  In his piece though, he tells of a time when he approached an abortionist with the goal of presenting him with a compelling argument that abortion is wrong.  The man stopped Piper in his tracks with the startling admission that abortionists know that they are killing babies.  They know that what they are doing is wrong.  The reason they do it is that they have convinced themselves that not allowing women to choose to murder is an even greater wrong.  BAM!  Piper was hit right between the eyes with the twisted reasoning of the depraved.  They brag and boast of their crimes...

God hates abortion.  In fact, He hates all sin.  If we think that He doesn't or that He doesn't see it or doesn't care, we are wrong.  God has allowed America to soak itself in innocent blood for generations, but He will not stand by "idly" forever.  

Oh, as much as this story of evil and slaughter and greed repulsed and appalled me, I shudder even more to contemplate how God is going to judge America.  Unless the Church falls to its knees and on its face before God in repentance, unless revival sweeps this land, judgment is surely coming.  It is coming.

I guess I've leapt out of the sugar bowl, huh?  

Lord Jesus, no wonder You had to die to redeem us!  "Fallen" does not even begin to describe...  In our unredeemed state, before Your transformative grace grips us, we are all utterly depraved. Anyone who thinks his or her "good works" are anything more than a stench in Your nostrils is deceived. Lord, I know that my sin is stinky to You, and my own sin breaks my heart as much as does the sin of my fellow man.  The state of my country torments me.  I beg You to send us revival, Lord God.  Please send your mighty Holy Spirit to sweep over our land and to peel back the scales that blind our eyes to our sin and to Your redemption made available in Jesus Christ.  It is in His mighty, matchless name I pray, amen.


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