Monday, November 30, 2015

Another Advent

Good morning,

Before I knew it, I have found myself at the end of 2 Corinthians!  Beginning tomorrow, I'll be doing my morning devotional time with Ann Voskamp's Jesse Tree Advent devotional series, Unwrapping the Greatest Gift.  I'm very excited about that.  Then, after Christmas, we'll head to Galatians.

It's funny how much I love the Advent season, especially growing up in a church that did not celebrate it.  Perhaps that's one reason why.  Another reason is that it helps me to focus on Jesus in the days leading up to 12/25.  Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are my favorite days of the Christmas season, but not because of gifts or decorations or music or even family get-togethers.  (In fact, some years, I have literally said out loud on Christmas Day, "Thank God Christmas is over. Maybe now I can get some rest!"  That is not what God intended, for sure!)

If I let myself, I get very negative about the Christmas season.  The world certainly perverts it, and that is reason enough to adopt a "bad mood".  But, then, there's the decorating .... four days of it this year, in my case, which is admittedly ridiculous!  I get a little OCD about it, needless to say.  Then, the shopping!  After doing some online shopping last Friday my credit card was hacked.  Annoying. Oh, can I forget the traffic?!  We live about 4 miles from a major shopping center and interstate highway.  These factors and others can conspire to make one tired and grumpy.

This is why I deliberately like to focus on Advent which, in the liturgical tradition, began yesterday in churches that "celebrate" it.  I'd like to encourage you to focus on celebrating with your family each day of the Advent season, as we continue on to Christmas Day.  There are many great resources you can use.  I'm going to mention a few below.

1.  Last year, I followed and blogged about John Piper's Advent devotionals in his Solid Joys series.  I read each one in the evening and lit the Advent candles as the month progressed. They were very meaningful, without or without a wreath and candles.  You can find those by googling John Piper Solid Joys.  Tomorrow, December 1, he begins his Advent devotionals.  The first one is called "Prepare the Way".

2.  Advent Wreath/Candles/Calendars:  even though this involves some expense, it is a wonderful tradition to start with your children.  Depending on the product, you can use it to count down the days to Christmas.  It's great to use a tool like this in conjunction with an Advent devotional.  Here's a free one:
There are also free coloring pages available on the internet.  Here is a link to one:
And, here's another!

3.  I've mentioned the Jesse Tree tradition conceived by Ann Voskamp already.  While these Advent devotionals, which begin on Dec. 1st, used to be free, they are now in a book she published.  If you are so inclined, go get the book today at your Christian bookstore, and follow along with me, starting tomorrow.  Or, download it onto your iPad/tablet from Amazon.  With purchase, you get downloadable paper ornaments for any small tree (one per day) and also free printable coloring pages.  Here's the Amazon link:

4.  Read your favorite Christmas books to your children.  It is wonderful to build a library of great children's books, which can then be passed down to your children's children.  Here are some of my favorite titles from over the years:
Elijah's Angel, by Michael Rosen
The Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, by Susan Wojciechowski
The Legend of the Candy Cane, by Lori Walburg
The Polar Express, by Chris Van Allsburg
The Night Before Christmas, by Clement Moore
The Pine Tree Parable, by Liz Curtis Higgs
Alabaster's Song, by Max Lucado
Once Upon a Christmas Eve, by Kathy-Jo Wargin
As you can tell, they are not all strongly Christ-centered.  Some are fanciful.

Regardless of what tools or method you choose, don't let Advent get by you, without stopping every day to focus on the Savior.

Thank you, Father, for this new Advent season come!  Until we can celebrate You in all Your glory, in Heaven, we can look for you in the days leading up to your birthday, reveling in all the beauty of this blessed season.  In Jesus' name, amen.

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