Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Pleading for Righteousness

Last night, I was worshipping with some online friends, which I do most Tuesday nights, and a video played in the chat room - - - the movie trailer for War Room.  (I won a DVD of that movie at an education sorority fundraiser, and I really need to make the time to watch it again.)  At any rate, Ms. Clara, the elderly mentor of the female lead, said this in the movie and it struck me so that I wrote it down.
"Plead with God so that He can do only what HE can do.  Then, you got to get out of the way and let Him do it!"

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.   At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— 4that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.
Colossians 4:2-3 (NET)

"Plead with God"....
That is a contemporary rendition of "Continue steadfastly in prayer", (the supplication and intercession aspects of prayer anyway....)
But, what things are we to plead with Him about?  And how?  How do we know what to pray, about those concerns/needs?

Well, first of all, if you belong to Jesus Christ, if you have asked Him to be your Lord and Savior, you cannot pray wrongly.  The Scriptures testify that the Holy Spirit intercedes for you and presents your prayers before the Father's throne. (Romans 8:26) In so doing, He makes our prayers righteous, because He can do nothing other than to do righteously.  He is God, after all, the third Person of the Holy Trinity.

But, usually, we plead with God about things closest to our hearts, don't we?  Look, if what we pray lines up with Scripture, we are praying right.  If it does not, we aren't.  And, if we pray, "Lord God, You are sovereign.  May You receive all glory and Your will be done in this situation!", then we can't lose.  That prayer is ALWAYS going to be right, because it is scriptural and it is being prayed with a correct heart attitude.

Let me give you a current example from my own life.

Some friends and I are both in similar places as far as our "vocations".  We both seem to be in a sort of lull at the moment, a period of waiting.  As far as my friends are concerned, I have my own selfish wishes about what God's will is going to be.  But, that, frankly, is irrelevant.  What I am praying is that God will make His will known to my friends, in a very clear way.  Whatever that outcome will be, I am watching expectantly to see what God will do.  And, when He does it, I will celebrate Him, glorify Him and rejoice in His goodness.  I am always happiest when I and my loved ones are in the center of God's will, whatever and wherever that may be.

As for me, I too am seeking His will in how this blogging and vlogging ministry will grow and/or how He wants me to spend my time each day.  So, pray for me and for my friends, if you will, verse 3 above.  It would mean the world to me if you would!

When you are waiting on the Lord to make His will known, this is a spiritual discipline that grows the Christian's faith.  So, don't chafe against it, if you, too, are in a place of pleading with God and then waiting for Him to show Himself glorious.  Be watchful!  And, when you see God do His mighty work, when He works His beautiful plan, give Him all the glory.  Thank Him and bless His name.
His answer is coming, and it is always "right on time".

Father, I thank you that You are concerned with every detail of our lives.  Thank you for these verses, which remind us of the centrality of prayer in our ongoing relationship with you.  Help me to remember that prayer is not just about talking to You, but that it is also about a constant conversation with You so that I can also hear FROM You.  To You, Lord Jesus, be all glory and honor and praise, forever and ever!  Amen

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