Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Worry Pill

When I was young I was anxious for little.  Basically, I "had it made".  My family was wonderful. My health was fabulous.  The "world was my oyster", as the saying goes.  I could not figure out why my mother complained about "her nerves".

Then, at age 16, the first hammer fell.  And, over the years, more challenges have arisen.  I have had my share of lying awake at night, unable to sleep.  Or, waking up in the night and not being able to return to sleep.  Some of the instigators of that condition have been caffeine.   But, more often, the causal factor has been worry, the state of abiding in fear.

Some of us visit fear from time to time.  Others of us camp out there, making it a permanent abode.
Regardless of your entanglements with fear and worry, Paul gives us an antidote in Philippians 4:6-7 (NET).

6Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. 7And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

My friend, Donna, has a little dog named Parker.  He is cute as a button.  I had the chance to visit her in Vancouver, BC, shortly after she had welcomed him into her family.  So, I got to observe her training him, specifically, training him not to chew inappropriate objects.  This is what she would do. When he'd start to chew something inappropriate, she would stop him by saying, "Not this....THIS!" And, she'd give him a chew toy.  She facilitated an "Instead...".

Paul's "Instead" in verse 6 is pivotal.  In order to replace a worrisome habit (pun intended...I do love me some puns!), in this case the habit of worrying, you absolutely MUST replace it with something else.  Otherwise, you will remain stuck in Worry Town.

With what does Paul say to replace worry and anxiety?  Prayer:  prayers of thanksgiving and also prayers of petition (supplication, "gimme" prayers).  

I've blogged about this before, but let's do a brief recap.  There are prayers of petition/supplication (gimme), which is how most people pray most of the time.  There are prayers of intercession (gimme for someone else's need).  There are prayers of thanksgiving and confession and adoration.  Those are the basic types of prayer.  Finally, there are prayers of spiritual command or warfare; they are in a category all their own.

So, back to our verses:  Here, Paul advocates replacing thoughts of fear and worry with prayers of petition and thanksgiving, although I often run through the other categories too when worry is chasing me.

A pivot is called for.  We do a pivot when we repent.  In fact, the word "repent" means to pivot, or to turn and move in the opposite direction.  Pivoting is "pivotal" for defeating worry.  It is the "worry pill".

What happens when we pivot to prayer, instead of dwelling in Worry Town?  Well, God sends us His peace.  Notice that He does not send us "understanding".  Our prayers may not yield any greater understanding of the situation that is "worrying" us.  Trying to understand things which He never intended us to understand is a rabbit trail that diminishes our faith.  Accepting His peace, which is greater than any human understanding, builds our faith.

That supernatural peace also keeps us from moving from Worry Town to Crazy Town.  Worry can drive you slap-dab crazy, if you don't confront it and pivot.

Some pills are only required once a day, others twice or three times a day.  This Worry Pill is one that, in certain situations, needs to be taken almost continually.  Notice that Paul says, "in every situation". This means that all of life's challenging circumstances need to be covered in prayer, usually repeatedly.

Final thoughts:
1.  No Shame!  There is no shame in praying to replace worry and then falling asleep doing that. There've been times I've felt guilty because I fell asleep praying.  Ridiculous!  God grants the sleep of peace as an answer to our prayers.  So, don't let Satan steal your peace over that false condemnation.
2.  No Shame!  There's also no shame in praying over something repeatedly.  EVERY TIME you are pounced on by worry, pray.  Every.Single.Time.  Pray boldly and unashamedly!
3.  Take counteractive measures as directed.  There are times when, during times of prayer, the Holy Spirit directs us to take appropriate actions to counteract a worrisome situation.  Test those according to the Scriptures, and verify that it's the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart.  And, then, be obedient to His voice.

Worry Pills:  Take as often as needed.  ;)

Father, thank you for strengthening our faith by teaching us to trust.  May we pivot to Your throne room with our prayers any and every time worry attacks us.  In Jesus' name, amen.

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