Thursday, June 25, 2015

Inheritance II

Good morning,

Are you adopted?  I hope so!  I'm not talking about in the natural realm, but the spiritual.  God makes it plain that, whether Jew or Gentile, anyone who is a member of God's spiritual family has been adopted as a son or daughter.  As mentioned yesterday, this begins with experiencing a completely transformative "new birth" through Jesus Christ.  We hear the word of truth and then believe it (Ephesians 1:13).  At that time, our inheritance is conferred.

Yes!  We already possess it, although the full culmination of it will not be realized until we step into the glory of the next life.  Two verses earlier, Paul emphasizes that (Eph. 1:11) this heavenly heritage is God's purpose and will for us, in THIS earthly life!  Right now, God calls us "joint-heirs with Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:17).  Doesn't that amaze you?  It certainly does me!  Simply astounding!

What are the other characteristics of our inheritance?
Back to 1 Peter 1.  In verse 23 we read that our inheritance is "imperishable".  That means it won't spoil.  It has no expiration date and won't "go bad".  It can't ever be corrupted.  It is ETERNAL!

The rings I mentioned in yesterday's post?  They will fade away.  We read stories of people gaining great earthly will last only for their time on earth, if that long.

King David possessed great wealth.  He was a mighty ruler of his day whom some might say "had it all".  But, he realized the meaning of true wealth, and it was the inheritance that was his through faith in God.

Lord, You are my allotted portion
and my cup of blessing;
You hold my future.
The boundary lines have fallen for me
in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

In this life, we may not be granted extensive land holdings, as were the Israelites in the Promised Land.  The land gifts they were given were very good!  We, as Believers, though, have been granted something much greater:  an allotted portion in the Family of God!  What a blessing on which to reflect today!

Dear Lord, I cannot understand why You would choose to elevate us mere created humans to the status you give us through Your Son.  It is...inconceivable!  Yet, it is also very comforting, especially when we are battle-weary.  It may not seem at times that we are "joint-heirs" with Jesus Christ - - - that in addition to being our Savior, He is our Brother and our Bridegroom.  We often feel defeated.  It is at those times that we must run into Your loving arms and keep our hearts fixed on our inheritance, which we will fully inherit in Heaven with You.  In Jesus' name, amen.

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