Saturday, March 21, 2015

Good-Smelling Imitators

Good morning!

I am at my mother's house this morning, celebrating her birthday and also my niece's baby shower. That makes blogging more challenging - - - especially the internet connection piece and getting text to appear as a uniform color...  But, I'm loving just sitting and talking with my loved ones this morning too, a lovely distraction.  At the moment, my other niece's boyfriend has arrived here to go walking/running with my niece.  He and I both attended Bob Jones University which, in early April, does a presentation called Living Gallery. I commented that I've never seen it.  They've not been doing it for many years.  At any rate, we were talking about that, as his parents have gone to seen it more than once.

What happens in the Living Gallery is this:  a piece of great artwork from the University's extensive and well-respected art collection is displayed on stage.  Then, while the art is displayed, original drama is presented by the University Players.  The entire production is a series of vignettes like this.

There's an expression that goes, "Life imitates Art."  But, conversely, the opposite is true:  art imitates life.  Artists seek to represent reality through their creations. What is in their souls comes out in their artwork.

All this reminds me of these admonitions from the apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:1-2 - - -

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; 2and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.…

One of the things every parent comes to realize, for good or bad, is that his or her children imitate their parents.  I have realized in my own children, with a certain degree of horror, that they possess some of my negative traits! "Well, they didn't suck it out of their baby bottle!"  As spiritual children of God,because we are "born of God" through the work of our Savior Jesus, we imitate Him.  Or, at least we should.  How does that look -- when we imitate Christ?

Paul says that we will "smell good" to others, if we are imitating Christ.  That does not mean that our lives and message never offend anyone, because the gospel is just "pure and plain" offensive to those whose ears are not open to hear it (1 Corinthians 1:18).  Rather, it means that, if we extend the grace of Jesus Christ to others by walking in love, sacrificing our own desires for the needs of others, then we will be a fragrant aroma to others, as Christ was to our Father.

What we have to be on guard against is setting up a stink with spiritual pride, selfishness, and other carnal behaviors.  I'm talking about in our families, our work places, the ball fields (!), and especially our churches. When people who are not part of the Family of God see us engaging in behaviors that are not godly, they still see us as imitators of Jesus Christ.  Their view and idea of who Jesus is comes from what they observe in us. Frightening, isn't it?  It is to me.  What a weighty responsibility we have been given - - - to represent Jesus to the world!

It is only through the power and the grace of our Lord that we can do this.  As His beloved children, only He can enable us, through the power of His Holy Spirit, to be good-smelling imitators.

Oh Father, glorify Yourself through me today.  My Your Word be like spiritual detergent, to wash my heart clean and to make me as pure and fresh-smelling as my beautiful Savior, so that when this world sees me, Your artistic, one-of-a-kind creation, it sees You.  May Your Body, Your Church, Lord Jesus, be a Living Gallery today, to draw the lost and dying to You.  In Your name, Lord Jesus, amen.

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