Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Grandsons Who Re-populated the Earth

How many grandsons did Noah have?  Do you know?  I didn't. 
But, I thought it would be interesting to look at them briefly and see which part of the world they settled.  We can find a lot of information in the so-called "Table of Nations", in Genesis 10, our text for today, and also in other scriptures and sources.

First, let's consider domesticated dogs.  (Well, that seems like a real tangent, doesn't it?)
A couple, friends of ours, gave us a tabletop book recently called, The Spirit of the Dog.  It describes several breeds and how they came to be, their countries of origin and so forth.  It is staggering to look at the variety of dog breeds existing in the world today, and to realize that one single pair of the "dog kind" entered the Ark.  From that "kind" came the wolves and the domesticated dogs, the dingos - - all canines.  How much more so could three pairs of humans re-populate the Earth?

Most scholars agree that the Ark settled somewhere in the "mountains of Arafat", which are in modern-day Turkey.  Each of Noah's 3 sons had sons and daughters.  Of necessity, similar to how Adam and Eve's children intermarried to populate the Earth originally, Noah's children intermarried, cousin to cousin, to repopulate the Earth in the years following the Great Flood.  So, let's dig in.  For the sake of brevity, I'm just going to more-or-less list these with brief notes.1

Japheth's Sons: (of the three sons, he was the most prolific)

Gomer - Ezekiel 38:6 - to Galatia/Turkey/Armenia and to France and Spain, Germany and Wales

Magog - Ezekiel 38:15 and 39:2 - the Sythians - Romania and Ukraine

Madai - Daniel 6:8, 12, 15 - (along with Elam, Seth's son...) - the Medes/Persians - ancestor of the Iranians and people of India

Javan - Daniel 8:21 and Genesis 10:4 - the Elysians, the Greeks, the Cypriots (Cyprus)

Tubal - Ezekiel 39:1 - Soviet state of Georgia

Meschech - Russian - Meschech is the ancient form of the modern city named Moscow.

Tiras - the ancient Thirasians, the people of Thrace, an area later known as Yugoslavia.

Shem's Sons:

Elam - Acts 2:9 - as mentioned earlier, the Elamites settled Persia (modern Iran).  In fact, Iran was formerly called Persia (in my lifetime - - I am old, lol!)

Asshur - Asshur is the Hebrew word for Assyria.  It was said that the rulers of Assyria ruled only with the express permission of Asshur's deified ghost.  Ain't that some apples....smh

Arphaxad - Genesis 10 and 11 - settled Chaldea/Mesopotamia (modern Southern Iraq) and also Arabia (the Arabian Peninsula). Arphaxad was the progenitor of Abraham, and therefore, the Jewish people.

Lud - Revelation 3:1 - settled western Turkey

Aram - 2 Kings 18:26 - Arameans settled Syria

Ham's Sons:

Misraim/Mizraim - Psalm 106:22 - Egypt, (Mizraim is the Hebrew word for Egypt)

Cush - Psalm 106:22 - Northern Africa, Ethiopia

Put (Phut) - Daniel 11:43 - Libya

Canaan - Genesis 10:14-18 - modern day Israel and Jordan - descendants were Canaanites, Philistines, Jebusites, Amorites

Can you determine from which grandson you are most-likely descended? 

The next question becomes, "How did some of these people groups get to the Western Hemisphere?"
Keep in mind a couple of probabilities:

1.  The Tower of Babel incident was the driving factor in dispersing various people groups all over the globe.
2.  The advanced knowledge that existed before the Great Flood carried over to some extent into the early world afterwards.  These people had the knowledge to build ships.
3.  The climate of the Earth was continuing to go through metamorphoses. The Flood took place around 2348 BC.  Almost immediately, the Earth began to have a "mini-Ice Age", and it lasted for 700-800 years.  So, for example, the Arctic Circle was likely much warmer than it is now and much more navigable2.




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