Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Repugnant Scorn

In my few, short years of life :) , one thing I have noticed is that a quiet, humble faith usually infuriates the ungodly.

Who are "the ungodly"?  We tend to think of those who do overt evil.  But, the phrase has an even broader definition.  They are those who choose a way that is opposed to God and His one way to eternal life.  In other words, "the ungodly" are people who may live good, upstanding, moral lives, but who are putting their trust for eternal salvation in their own goodness, or in some other false god. Other times, yes, the ungodly are those who practice horrendous evil as well.

Regardless of the degree, all who do not trust Jesus as Savior and demonstrate a living faith, a godly life, are lost in their sins....the ungodly.

Now, back to my original point.  For those who belong to Jesus Christ, their humble yet confident faith is frequently maddening to those who are lost.  Proverbs 4:18-19 (NIV) contrasts these two walks of life quite well.

18The path of the righteous is like the morning sun,
shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
19But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness;
they do not know what makes them stumble.

The one who puts his faith in Jesus begins a life walk down a path which grows ever brighter.   There will be stumbles....unseen roots of sin that spring up along the path.  Though the Christian may even sprawl flat on his face in the dirt occasionally, he never walks alone.  The Savior is always there to pick him up, patch up wounds, dust him off, and set him once again walking down the path of faith. That path grows ever brighter as the relationship with Jesus deepens, as submission to the Savior's will grows.  Eventually, that redeemed one walks in "the full light of day" when he meets his Savior face-to-face and full glory is revealed.

The beautiful walk, the resplendent walk of righteousness produces one of two reactions in the heart of the wicked.  Sometimes, they are so convicted in their deep sin that they are drawn to salvation in Jesus like a moth to a flame.  The Holy Spirit frequently uses the testimony of the true believer to convict and to lead the sinner to repentance and to salvation.

But, even more often, the wicked hate this process.  Seeing it in action is so repugnant to the lost person that he responds in violent anger, determined to destroy the child of God.  This is because the lost dwell in "deep darkness".

And, this is a sad dimension....they don't even recognize their extreme situation.  "They do not know what makes them stumble"!  They are like those characters in the movie "Blair Witch Project", who ran through dark woods, having no idea how to find safety or to escape the hound of Hell who chased them.  And, the wicked have no clue they are in such dire straits!

Blinded by the lies of Satan and the philosophies of the world, they eagerly embrace a rebellious stance toward God and His ways, believing that they have "the right" to do so.  Often, because they serve the god of this world, they experience worldly success, which more firmly entrenches their false beliefs and folly.  It, then, is a grace of God when their little empires come crashing down around their ears, because it can be during those times of trouble that their eyes become opened and they truly see the Savior.  It is a hallelujah when, out of their pit of despair, they finally turn to Him for salvation.

Do you know and love those who have embraced such wickedness as their god?  Christian, pray for your loved ones in this perilous situation.  God states through the apostle Peter, who knew the Savior so well, that God is supernaturally patient with the wicked.  It is not God's will that any of them should perish in Hell.  (I thank Him that He is similarly patient with me, in my many stumbles!)

 9The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you,a not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
2 Peter 3:9 (ESV)

Prayer, and living that quiet life of humble, living faith are your two most potent weapons to win them.  Don't neglect prayer; and, don't be slow to apologize to them for those times when your faith doesn't line up with your actions as you walk the resplendent path to Heaven.

Are you an ungodly person?  Have you chosen the path of wickedness for your life?  If you have not chosen Jesus as your Savior and begun to walk in His way, or if your reaction in reading the words of this blog today has been laughing, scoffing, repugnance or scorn, then I fear you have pitched your tent in the camp of the wicked.  Come of from among them today, before it is too late. Although God's perfect will is that none should go to Hell, He will not violate His character to overrule your free will to choose Hell as your final destination.

I pray you will make the only wise choice, which is to choose Jesus today.

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