Sunday, January 22, 2017

Goddess Gathering 2017

This past Saturday there was a huge march in Washington, DC, my nation's capitol.  Officially, it was called Women's March 2017.  The U.S. media have been reporting that approximately 500,000 people were in attendance.

These people, mostly American women, do not represent me and I am tired of hearing the media describe "most" American women in terms typified by the people at this march.

In America at the moment, we have a massive schism of values.  The women at Women's March 2017 for the most part represented values completely at odds with mine.  This march was a worship service...and the goddess worshipped was Self.  Self is a god or goddess, whether the worshipper is a man or woman, adored and venerated all across this land.  Self's creed is: "Me and my needs first; before every other consideration, I come first."  Self-worship was introduced into this world by Satan, the enemy of men's and women's souls.
Every person alive worships something or someone.

I am a Christian woman.
My highest allegiance is to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ,
and only to Him.
Because of this, the Holy Bible is my life-book, my authority on all moral matters concerning this life.
If the Bible says it, I believe it; and, that settles it.
Best choice and best decision I ever made.

Jesus Christ is the source of my freedom.  Freedom doesn't come from a march or even through a voting booth.  Freedom flows from the worship of the only true God, who sets people's souls free. And, if Jesus sets you free, you are free indeed.

There are times the Bible is difficult, requiring self-sacrifice.
There are times because of my beliefs I am ridiculed.  This world's Self-fueled culture is hostile to me.
However, because Christ Jesus is my Anchor, I am unmoved by criticism from those who worship lesser gods.

My goal in this life is to glorify my Savior.
Often that takes the form of sacrificial love for others, because that is what Jesus did.
I was given by God a godly husband.  He is the head of our home just as Jesus Christ is the head of His Church.
My husband treats me with love, as the Bible commands.  (It is not always easy, I assure you.)
I honor him as the Head of our Home, having no problem with him holding that God-ordained position.
This does not make me weak or subservient.  It brings joy and order to our home as we serve each other while serving our Savior.
God gave us two wonderful sons.
It has been my honor and privilege to model Jesus in front of them for over 20 years.  Nothing gives a Christian mother more joy than to see her children walking in faith with the Lord Jesus.

I am intelligent and well-educated, with three college degrees.  God blessed me with an outstanding career and with a vibrant ministry, in which I remain engaged with the aim of giving God ALL the glory.

Since that day I yielded my soul to Jesus, as my Savior and Lord,  I have had one supreme desire - - to be like Jesus, no matter what it takes.  Despite this, I have had some devastating times and made some stupid moves.  Even Christians who long to follow Jesus sometimes get blindsided, step in a huge pothole or just make horrible decisions. Through those times, Jesus Christ has held me, taught me, shaped me and sustained me.  I am grateful for everything I have been through because it has brought me closer to Him.

I am writing this and making this testimony to say that the lies Satan tells you are merely that --- lies, counterfeit joy, devious deceptions --- which will bring only heartache, loneliness, grief and despair. A woman can violate her body by killing her child and scream from the rooftops that she is a "nasty woman".  But, in her heart she knows the truth.  She was made for more than this.  She is a precious soul created by a loving God.  But, she has lost her way.

I am here to tell you that no woman or man is "too far gone" as long as breath is in the body.  It is not too late.  Redemption waits for you at the feet of Jesus Christ.  Don't swallow the lies of the enemy of your soul.  He, Satan, only wants to devour you, to destroy you, to prevent you from seeing the truth that will lead you to salvation.  Turn to Him...Jesus, the lover of your soul.  He will show you the way.

Matthew 11:28-30  (The Message)
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Forgiveness, restoration, eternal peace and eternal rest are available both now, right now, and forever.
He waits for you.

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