Tuesday, February 2, 2016

But, But, ... BUT....

We are at the end of the book of Galatians.  Here we find an apostle Paul who was weary - - from the disputes which the Judaizers had stirred up among the Galatians, Paul was "over it".  I imagine he felt like he had said all he was inspired by the Holy Spirit to say on the matter.

There comes a point where arguing does no good.  Frankly, I feel that way when arguing about certain Biblical teachings.  Certainly, there are major doctrines of the Christian faith which are indispensable and undeniably right, "one right answer" issues.  The Bible and Holy Spirit make these clear.  An example is the tug-of-war which was going on between the Galatian church and the Judaizers, who were teaching that in order to have a right relationship with God the Law still had to be followed to the letter, and moreover, that it was the following of Mosaic Law which brought salvation.  This was no petty dispute.  It is important to "contend for the faith" in such situations! Otherwise, people will continue to be lost, without Christ Jesus, because they have heard and believed a false gospel.

That's not what I'm referring to this morning.  There are sincere believers who are absolutely convinced that they have every minute detail in the Bible "figured out".  Furthermore, it is often a point of pride for them, as it was for the Judaizers.  These legalists in the Galatian church viewed those who became swayed to their point of view as "conquests" or "notches on the belt" more than anything else.  Pride...such a joy-stealer, eye-blinder, ministry-killer!

Look, I don't have God's A-Z plan figured out.  Neither does anyone else, regardless of how vehemently they insist to the contrary.  It is possible for us to know enough, in order to walk by faith in the rest.

I do not have to know the exact moment that Jesus Christ is going to return.  It is enough for me to know that He will, in God the Father's own perfect timing.
I do not have to know what transpired in Jesus' life from age 12 to 30.  It is enough for me to know God's revelation of Him to me through the Old and New Testaments.  It is enough to know and accept that He lived, died, was buried, rose from the dead, and now lives again, seated at the right hand of God the Father, and that He did made perfect, complete atonement, so I could have an eternal relationship with Elohim (the triune God).  It is enough.  God gives us the knowledge and wisdom we need.

We can choose to argue endlessly with each other and/or boast about things in which we have no business claiming credit.  OR, we can choose to live faithfully, daily choosing to fulfill the callings God has given to each of us.  If we choose the former, we will diminish our effectiveness in God's kingdom, "hindering the gospel".  If we choose the latter - - letting God do His marvelous work in and through us, giving Him the glory, we have then chosen well.  Paul knew this, which is why in today's verses he gives pride the old "punch down".

14-16 For my part, I am going to boast about nothing but the Cross of our Master, Jesus Christ. Because of that Cross, I have been crucified in relation to the world, set free from the stifling atmosphere of pleasing others and fitting into the little patterns that they dictate. Can’t you see the central issue in all this? It is not what you and I do—submit to circumcision, reject circumcision. It is what God is doing, and he is creating something totally new, a free life! All who walk by this standard are the true Israel of God—his chosen people. Peace and mercy on them!
17 Quite frankly, I don’t want to be bothered anymore by these disputes. I have far more important things to do—the serious living of this faith. I bear in my body scars from my service to Jesus.
18 May what our Master Jesus Christ gives freely be deeply and personally yours, my friends. Oh, yes!
Galatians 6:14-18  (The Message)

So, let's be discerning about what we choose to "argue" about and "boast" about.  It is God, after all, who creates this totally new, free life we Believers are given to live and walk in.  That is why I so love the Latin phrase, "Soli Deo Gloria" - - glory ONLY to God!

Father, thank you so much for giving to your "true Israel" the gift of eternal life, and giving it free, deeply and personally!  May our focus be on allowing You to do in and through us this revolutionary, transformative thing of beauty, and in so doing, may all the glory, honor and praise be only Yours! In Jesus' name, amen.


  1. This is good. Thank you for your insights. I have a more mundane question from the world of business. Do you like this blogspot blog? I used it before, and now use a Wordpress blog. wadecookblog.com, but it's not what I want. I want to converse with people and have fun—sort of like a front-porch gathering. Any help please. Wade

    1. Hello Wade,
      I gravitated to blogspot because it integrates so well with Google+. And, as you can see that it is possible to "converse" in this blog format. However, I heard someone yesterday comment that Wordpress has more widgets. I have never used Wordpress, though. I hope this helps!
