Sunday, October 5, 2014

How Beautiful .... Is the Body of Christ

Good morning!

Yesterday and, actually, over the past 4 days, I've gotten to see the Body of Christ on radiant display, doing what the Body is supposed to do.  I was thinking about that last night and about how I am looking forward to worshipping this morning.  The Lord brought to my mind Psalm 27:4-6.  Here it is in The Message version:

I’m asking God for one thing,
    only one thing:
To live with him in his house
    my whole life long.
I’ll contemplate his beauty;
    I’ll study at his feet.

That’s the only quiet, secure place
    in a noisy world,
The perfect getaway,
    far from the buzz of traffic.

God holds me head and shoulders
    above all who try to pull me down.
I’m headed for his place to offer anthems
    that will raise the roof!
Already I’m singing God-songs;
    I’m making music to God.
The first two verses, because of the reference to "his house" are often interpreted to mean a place of worship, that is, a church building, especially in light of the specific reference to that in verse 6.  But, the truth is - - - we don't have to be in church to contemplate the beauty of the Lord and study at His feet.  In fact, some of my best time with Him is in church; but, there have been equally worshipful times in other places.  Our true worship should not be dependent upon our surroundings.  It is an attitude of the heart.

So, why "go to church"?  I don't know why some people go to church, only why I go.  Accordingly, I'll just share some about why it is meaningful to me.  These are presented in no kind of "spiritual" order.

1.  Being with "my people"
"Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love.  The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above."  This is a line from an old hymn called, "Blest Be the Tie that Binds".  It is the hymn we used to sing after we shared The Lord's Supper (a Baptist sacrament) at the little, old country church I attended as a child.  Being with those who believe as you do and "doing life" with them is precious. We celebrate together; we mourn together.

2.  Being with my God
Of course, as previously mentioned, worship can occur anywhere, but it is so meaningful to worship with those of like mind who are all lifting their prayers, hymns, praise songs, hearts together in worship of their King.

3.  Powerful preaching
Going to church and hearing the Word of God preached with power, no-holds-barred, cleanses and challenges my soul.  It enables me to "grow in grace and truth", as the Scriptures say.  2 Peter 3:18

4.  God's command
God's people are told to not turn their backs on getting together regularly, that this was an expected outworking of the Christian walk.  Hebrews 10:25

5.  Bible Study/Small Group
In some churches this is called Sunday School or "small group" or some other ecclesiastical name. But, basically, it means that these are the people with whom you choose to do your in-depth Bible study.  In larger churches, this gathering together is especially important, as this is where you form your deepest friendships.

6.  Service
God gives each of His redeemed ones, Christians, spiritual gifts.  These are described by the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 12.  ("Now, about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed....")  The reasons the Holy Spirit gives each believer a set of spiritual gifts is so that we will use them in service to our Savior.  Our gifts and Bible study help to equip us for service. Church fellowship gives us one natural outlet for using our gifts.

7.  Showing the world what Jesus looks like
A few months ago, at our church, our adult Sunday School classes read a little book called, I Am a Church Member.  It was a great little study, only lasted 6 weeks.  It helped us to all be on the same page as to what the role of a church member is - - - not that we should approach our church membership as if we are members of a country club, but rather that we approach it as a privilege and an opportunity to serve with humility.  The apostle Paul addresses this in Philippians 1:1-4 - - -

"If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand."
{The Message}

The passage goes on to describe how Jesus took on the form of a servant when He came to earth to redeem us.  Forgetting ourselves long enough to lend a helping hand....that is church.  That is Jesus. He put aside His heavenly glory and basically bound His essence inside a human body for 33 years. How incredibly limiting that must have been!  He is my example, my model, my goal, and my eternal destination. 

Now, my friends, I've got to go get ready for church!  ;)

Good morning, Lord!  I'm so looking forward to corporate worship, Bible study, preaching and fellowship today.  Thank you for the privilege of freely worshipping you with my spiritual brothers and sisters.  Thank you that my country still allows this.  I pray that You will be revealed in all Your glory today as we gather together, that those who do not know you will come to know you today, that those of us who already do know you will be encouraged through the church activities.  Please let all gossiping, backbiting, criticism and other ungodliness be far from our body of believers and let us show our Jesus to this dark, lost world.  In His matchless name, amen and amen.

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