At first I thought This would likely be the last installment in this series, “Signposts on the Road to Glory”. And, then I started preparing the lesson. L.O.L. No. We have “a ways to go” yet, I’ve discovered! To review, this series has been created to give the serious Bible student a sense of the chronological whole of the written revelation of God. One of the more challenging aspects of Bible study is understanding the story as a cohesive whole, and that is partially because the books are not laid out chronologically.
Today, then, we will start with the period of 7 BCE through 1 CE, the period that Bible scholars give for when the birth of Messiah took place. We are going to add to our timeline the first dates in the life of Yeshua HaMashiach. 8 years is quite a large range for such an important date as the birth of Messiah, now, isn’t it? Surely we can do better than that! Turns out, we can! Hopefully, you began to construct a timeline at the beginning of this series. So, grab that, and a copy of the Scriptures, and let’s go.
One of my favorite morehs, Andrew Gabriel Roth, whose Eternal Torah Calendar I am using as the skeletal backbone of this series, has also done a thorough investigation of the timing of the birth of Yeshua. You can find his work as one of the free items on his website, The two-part video series is called “Star of Bethlehem Extended Edition, Parts 1 and 2. Obviously, a severe diversion beckons. However, for our purposes of the moment, we are not going to regurgitate all of that wonderful material. As an alternative....I did an interview with AGR a few months ago, and you can find those videos on my YouTube channel, @genahood2818. Those were published in late December, 2023. Keep in mind as you look for those that there IS no “part two” there for that 3-part series. I co-produced that interview in conjunction with one of our other LAMB producers, the one actually who “birthed” me onto the LAMBNetwork.TV, Stephanie Pavlantos. However, from the parts one and three that I do have posted on my channel, you can get all the relevant information you need to substantiate the dates I am going to give you today in this section concerning Yeshua’s conception and birth. Then, after we establish the date for the birth of Messiah, we will move on through the dates of the 3.5 years of His ministry, harmonizing the gospel accounts as we go. Most of my information shared about the chronology of Yeshua’s ministry period is taken from AGR’s book “Signs of the Cross: The Search for the Historical Jesus.”
We left off last week, studying briefly about the Maccabean revolt, which was the last time the Jews ruled the land of Israel, until approximately 2000 years later, when the Jewish people once again became a nation under Jewish governance, in 1948. Around 63 BCE, the Romans gained control of the Promised Land, gobbling it up into the larger Roman Empire. During this period, the Sanhedrin was composed of mainly two “houses” of Pharisees, which competed for control of that governing body. During Yeshua’s youth, the House of Hillel was in power. When He was around 15 years old, the much more strict (in most areas) House of Shammai took power. Yeshua was likely educated in yeshiva (religious school) according to the principles of the House of Hillel, and if you compare His teachings with those of Hillel, there is a lot of overlap between the two in how the Torah should be lived out. When He was often at odds with “the Pharisees” in the newer covenant scriptures, He was debating and reinterpreting the “fence” practices of the House of Shammai. But, I’m getting way ahead of myself here. Just remember that timeline as we go forward.
There are about 24 different theories floating around out there that have been vetted and funded, to give the date of Yeshua’s birth. Essentially, they fall into two camps: the 7-4 BCE camp and the 1 BCE camp. (Likewise, there are two camps concerning the date of His death, as you might expect, but that comes later in our study.) AGR has studied this topic for 25 years and brought a number of different academic disciplines to bear on the biblical story, including a solid linguistic understanding of Aramaic and Greek. He also worked with a professional astronomer from NASA and the US Department of Defense, who used computer software of the stars not available to the general public. This astronomer, now deceased, had two physics degrees. A variety of ancient manuscripts were consulted, in addition to the holy scriptures in their original languages. I refer mainly to the manuscripts of Josephus and Philo. This multi-disciplinary approach allows the Bible student to pinpoint the dates of Yeshua’s life and ministry with laser-like accuracy. All of these tools were made available by Father Yahweh in our modern day, to enable this information to be known.
The Zoroastrian Babylonian Magi began following the “star”, which was actually the planet Jupiter (nicknamed The King’s Star) in 7 BCE. They followed it for two years. So, assuming a common 40-week pregnancy, Yeshua was conceived during Hanukkah (December), in the year 6 BCE. The birth of Yeshua was in 5 BCE, specifically on Friday, September 13, 5 BCE, Tishri 15, the first day of Sukkot of that year. He was circumcised on Simchat Torah, the 8th day of Sukkot, the day they were in the Temple and met Simeon and Anna. This timeline makes sense when you read that verse in John where he tells us that Messiah “tabernacled” among us. He surely did, hallelujah! A Hanukkah conception would also partially explain why He was called The Light of the World, as Hanukkah is also known as The Festival of Lights.
The shepherds visited the little family as they resided in the sukkah for those 8 days, after which they moved into the house that Joseph owned there in Bethlehem, right after Sukkot. (Why would Joseph have owned property in Bethlehem? Because Bethlehem was in the property inherited by Nathan, one of Solomon’s sons. Had Joseph been descended from Solomon, he’s have gone to Jerusalem to register. Oh, the digressions....) The Magi arrived a few days after the shepherds left, right after Sukkot. Then, after the Magi’s visit, the Holy Family escaped pretty quickly to Egypt. A total lunar eclipse on March 11, 4 BCE signaled the imminent death of Herod, who had ordered the killing of all Hebrew male babies under the age of 2 years old. (Do you see now why the Pharaoh of Moses’ day and King Herod of Yeshua’s day were similarly demonically inspired and prophetically linked?). Herod died during Purim of that year, the same time of year that Haman died, hundreds of years earlier. The Holy Family lived in Egypt a total of almost 3 years, returning to Israel in June of 2 BCE, settling in Nazareth.
Now, we begin to sort out the proper order of events in the Gospels, as these books were most assuredly the earliest written books of the New Covenant Scriptures. A rule of thumb for doing this is necessary. It is this: a single account with specific, valuable information carries more weight than multiple, vague mentions. So, the most specific account details “rule”, as far as timeline is concerned and also as far as determining what actually happened. For example, if Luke includes a detail that Matthew and Mark omit, we will embrace Luke’s detail into the narrative, even though 2 out of 3 of the synoptic gospels omit it. And, if an event mentioned in multiple gospels has a specific time marker given in one, then the rest of the accounts must fall into place, based on that information. I’m going to be throwing a lot of Scripture references at you, as we go along. You can choose to either write them down as we go, or go back study them later.
So, we know that when Yeshua was 12 years old, he was in the Temple, during Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, teaching the Temple leaders. That would have been in the year 7 CE, if my math is right. There is no year 0, you know. We go from 1 BCE to 1 CE. Then, for the next couple of decades, there is pretty much“radio silence” as to what Yeshua was up to, although we are told he was “increasing in favor with God and man”. Some have called these “the lost years”, although I think that title is unnecessarily negative.
We are told that Joseph, Yeshua’s adoptive father, was a carpenter. So, Yeshua was likely trained in this trade as well. Traditionally, the eldest son took over the family business. And, now for what I hope will be an interesting story.
Despite having been to Israel three times, I have yet to visit Nazareth. However, I was at the ruins of a very famous city less than four miles away. It’s called Tsipori in Hebrew or Sepphoris in the Greek. Excavated only about 25 years ago, amazing ruins have emerged. It was predominantly a Jewish city, but it also had a good many Greeks and Romans. It’s well-known that Herod Antipas rebuilt the city while Yeshua was a teenager, and being from a family of carpenters, it is not far-fetched to believe that his family’s business helped in the rebuilding. There was also a prominent yeshiva there, which is where Yeshua likely studied. Although the gospels record Yeshua returning to Nazareth at least twice during his years of active ministry, no visits to Tsipori are mentioned, although this was a very prominent city in the Galilee.
In his teen years, it is believed, Joseph died. What effect that had on Yeshua’s leadership of the family is unknown. At age 20, He would have registered for the Temple Tax in Jerusalem. The fact that He was asked about paying this tax (we’ll touch on that later) is proof that He did. The next 10 years though? Nothing has been written in the sacred scriptures.
The prophet Daniel actually pictured the days of Yeshua’s ministry in Daniel chapter 11 with his prophecy of the 1290 days/1335 days. Without going into a lot of detail here, Yeshua’s ministry ran from the start of the year 26 CE, (Yom Teruah) with his baptism (the official start date) being on February 11, 27 CE. He was crucified on Nisan 14 or 15 CE and then the 1335 days were completed the day just before the Ruach HaKodesh was given, on the 1336th day. That Daniel was able to predict that span with such accuracy, 500 years before the events took place is supernatural. Furthermore, this timeline will be featured again in the last days, as well. That’s another topic, however.
According to the apostle John, Yeshua’s ministry period featured at least 3 Passovers, mentions one Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) and one Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).
There is one event that is mentioned in all four of the gospel accounts. The details between these four accounts are consistent. Timing information is given in one of the accounts, and the event occurs in the almost exact middle of Yeshua’s ministry. Can you guess what the event is? It is what is commonly called the “Feeding of the 5000”, which occurred just before the second-to-last Passover (29 CE). The proper timing of this event is the linchpin for determining 95% of all of the other recorded events of the four gospels.
Before we begin to examine the years and events of Jesus’ ministry, we need to touch base on the ministry of John the Baptist, whose ministry would have run from Tishri, 26 CE until the baptism of Yeshua, a span of just over 5 months. Here are the synchronized, relevant verses: Luke 3:1-3, Matthew 3:1, Luke 3:4, John 1:6-18, Matthew 3:4-10, Luke 3:10-15, John 1:19-23, Luke 3:5-6, John 1:24-25, Matthew 4:11, John 1:26, Matthew 4:11, Luke 3:11(b), Matthew 3:11, John 1:28-31.
The first portion of Yeshua’s ministry years we will examine is from February 11, 27 CE to the start of Passover, 27 CE. The following events occurred, in this order, over a period of 58 days:
The baptism of Yeshua, by John the Baptist - - Matt. 3:13, Luke 3:21-22, Mark 1:11, John 1:32-34.
Immediately after the baptism, Yeshua was sent by the Spirit out into the desert wilderness for the 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, followed by the temptation by HaSatan.
After the 40th day, presumably on the 41st day, HaSatan came to tempt Him. And, then, on the 42nd day? He was ministered to by angels.
Here’s the relevant harmonization: Mark 1:12, Matthew 4:2b-8, Luke 4:6-7, Matt. 4:10-11
Interestingly, the 40-day period following Yeshua’s resurrection follows a very similar timeline as the temptation, with the Ruach HaKodesh coming on Shavuot, on the 45th day according to the Daniel prophecy.
Next, Yeshua walked about 20 miles back to the town of Bethabarah, the headquarters of John the Baptist’s ministry, and called Peter and Andrew into ministry.
Nathaneal and Phillip were called next and then Yeshua left Bethabara by boat and went to Cana. John and James were called next. Here’s something many Christians don’t know or ignore. The disciples of Yeshua were first disciples of John the Baptist, in many cases. This is why Yeshua was at Bethabara when he called Peter and Andrew.
The wedding at Cana, where Yeshua performs His first miracle (turning water into wine) occurred during this late winter/early spring time period.
He went from Cana to arrive in Capernaum, where he rested with family and disciples.
He left Capernaum to arrive in Jerusalem two days before Passover, so that preparations could be made.
He celebrated the first Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread (FULB) of the ministry period, in Jerusalem and the surrounding area.
Remainder of year 27 CE:
For the next 8 months, Yeshua and his disciples continued to minister in Judea and Samaria, preaching in synagogues and baptizing, concurrently with the ministry of John the Baptist. (John 3:22)
In January of 28 CE, Yeshua returned to Galilee from Samaria, having heard of His cousin John the Baptist’s imprisonment. (Matthew 4:13) The people of Galilee welcomed Him. (John 4:43-45).
Yeshua traveled back to Cana and performed His second miracle, the healing of a nobleman’s son. (John 4:46-54).
From Cana, Yeshua traveled to Nazareth, where he entered the synagogue and read the verses from Isaiah 61, after which the people He grew up with attempted to murder Him. (Luke 4:14-30). This occurred on the Rosh Chodesh of Shevat (the first day of the month of Shevat), January 15, 28 CE.
So, Yeshua went to Capernaum and headquartered His ministry there, the hometown of Simon Peter. During this first part of Yeshua’s ministry, the earliest disciples who had formerly followed John the Baptist, bounced back and forth between the two second cousins, Yeshua and John. But, after the Baptist (Yochanon the Immerser) was imprisoned, they spent more time with Yeshua. A more formal invitation to follow Yeshua is found in Matthew 4:18-22 and Mark 1:16-20.
Within a few days, the miracles of expelling a demon from the local synagogue happened, after which Yeshua healed Peter’s mother-in-law, plus more healings later that day. (Mark 1:23-39 and Luke 4:31-44)
Perhaps as early as the very next day, the LORD and the disciples left Capernaum on a ministry tour. (Mark 1:35-38; Luke 1:42-44; Mark 1:39; Luke 4:44; Matthew 4:23-24) Information from Mark and Luke tell us that it lasted for much of the rest of 28 CE. This tour took the entourage through every major town in Galilee and Judea, with Yeshua teaching in many synagogues and also out in the open at times.
He would have been (as required) in Jerusalem for Passover and FULB that year, but it must have been uneventful, since there are no recorded dust-ups between Him and the religious leaders. John 5:1-47 records Him being back in Jerusalem for the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot). John 7:1 alludes to His pattern of spending time in Galilee with family or friends after Weeks. Then, in the early Fall, as He was Torah-observant, He would have been back in Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, if not a couple of weeks before, when the New Year festivities would have been taking place (September 8-22, 28 CE.)
During this period, we have the healing of a leper (Matthew 4:23-25, Mark 1:40-45 and Luke 5:12-14.) There were two leper healing incidents recorded in Scripture that seemed to have many similarities. However, they had enough differences to cause them to be distinguished from each other, and furthermore, to try to lump them into one event causes chronology problems. The first one occurred during this preaching tour of 28 CE.
The “Arise, pick up your bed and walk” miracle (John 5:1-45) took place at the pool of Bethesda, during the “Feast of the Jews” (Feast of Weeks). This passage also contains one of the famous confrontations with the House of Shammai Pharisees, who were in control of the Sanhedrin at that time. At that confrontation, Yeshua assured them that it was not He who condemned them but instead they will be condemned by Moses, whom they so revered, yet whose prophecies of Messiah they refused to believe.
He may or may not have stayed in the Jerusalem vicinity for the festival of dedication (Hanukkah) that year. We can’t be certain, because we do not have any information to indicate whether He did or did not. As Hanukkah takes place at the end of the month of Kislev, we are now in December of 28 CE and at the end of the Gregorian year. On to year 29!
Events that took place from January 1, 29 to Passover, April 14, 29 :
The Sermon on the Mount happened in this time frame, on March 22, 29. Matthew’s account records the healing of the second leper, right after this Sermon (Matthew 8:1-4.) In that sermon Yeshua (Matt. 6:28) mentions another sign of spring coming: the blooming of the lilies of the field. See also Luke 5:1-11 where, the fishermen fish all night.
Two days later, on March 24th, (because grain blooms no earlier than March in Israel), Yeshua and the disciples pick heads of grain on a Shabbat.
Luke 6:6-11 records another Shabbat event during this time frame - - in a Galilean synagogue, Yeshua healed the shriveled hand of a man. Luke also records another “Sermon on the Mount” type of event. But, it is clear Luke says that Yeshua descended to a plain to preach this sermon, whereas for the Sermon on the Mount, He was forced up to the top of a mountain due to the pressing crowds, so that the people were sitting below Him. This other Sermon would be better called “Sermon on the Plain”. It occurred about 3 days after the more famous “Sermon on the Mount”, after Yeshua and the disciples had preached in other local towns.
Concerning Matthew chapters 5-8 and Luke 11 and 12 - - - Matthew was an eyewitness to the Sermon on the Mount. Therefore, he places it chronologically before the Feeding of the 5000. Luke (and his teacher Paul), however, were not. So, since there was no internet, Luke had to make an educated guess as to where to record parts of this famous sermon in his chronology. That is why 11:1 is so vague “One day when Yeshua was praying in a certain place...” He put it after the Feeding of the 5000, although it actually should have gone before.
The chronology of the Sermon on the Mount is by far the most difficult chronological nut to crack in the four gospels. Here, then, is a crack at the harmonized chronology.
Matthew 4:25-6:4
Luke 11:1-2
Matthew 6:5b-9
Matthew 6:9b-15, which is identical to Luke 11:2b-4.
Luke 11:5-8
Matthew 6:16-20
Luke 12:22-26
Matthew 6:28-34
Luke 12:32-33
Matthew 6:21 = Luke 12:34
Matthew 6:22-23. = Luke 11:33-36
Matthew 7:1-6
Matthew 7:7-16 = Luke 11:9-13
Matthew 7:17-27
At this point, during an apparent lunch break in the famous sermon, Yeshua healed the second leper. (Matthew 8:1-4). Yeshua then went on to have lunch at the home of a Pharisee (Luke 11:37-53). He was pretty hard on them at lunch. Whew!
Luke 11:37-53
Now, we are at Luke 12:1-13:9.
When this meal was over, Yeshua emerged from the house to see that a crowd was still there. So, after telling his disciples to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy, he again began to address the crowd.
Matthew 7:28 concludes the sermon with the people being amazed at Yeshua’s teaching and authority.