About a month ago I was given the opportunity to teach on the Messianic Lamb TV Network. After much prayer, and talking with the lead producer of this online TV station, I began to conceptualize a name for the show (Mishkan Katan) and to start production of the first episode. It aired yesterday, March 29, 2023.
I'll be producing a live broadcast once a week, on Wednesday mornings at 11 AM Eastern (or Eastern Daylight, depending on the season.)
To tune in live, go to https://messianiclambradio.com at the aforementioned time. The broadcast will be playing then. To watch later, on a desktop or laptop, go to the website and click the tab called "Shows On Demand". A calendar/schedule will appear. Scroll down to "Wednesday" until you see the banner/graphic for Mishkan Katan, and click. The show should queue up and be ready to play. Each show will remain up until the next live show airs, a week later.
Here is a direct link to the show on YouTube:
My prayer is that each one blesses you "exceedingly abundantly" and that all the glory goes to the One and Only.
I want to add that I do not endorse every bit of content you will find on the network. It is a diverse group.