Thursday, August 10, 2017

50th Birthday

Last night, during the meeting of our discipleship group, we took some time to share our personal experiences of how we came to know Jesus.  One thing I noticed was that each of us spoke of a moment when "the light came on" for us, in our souls.  We truly SAW Jesus clearly - - - what He had done for us, and our inescapable need for Him.  Not a single one of us mentioned peer pressure or feeling rushed by others to make that life-altering decision.  Interesting, yes?

In reflecting on my own salvation experience, I realized that this month is my 50th "spiritual birthday".  The day I decided to follow Jesus was in August, 1967, when nine years old.  The apostle Paul describes that initial decision to follow Jesus as "putting on Christ" in the King James Version of Galatians 3:27.  I like the English Standard Version too.

For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

We are currently studying in Proverbs, though, and here is the main text for today:

Bind them on your heart always;

tie them around your neck.
22When you walk, theyd will lead you;
when you lie down, they will watch over you;
and when you awake, they will talk with you.
23For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light,
and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life,

Proverbs 6:21-23 ESV

Admittedly, this passage is part of a larger passage of exhortations from the writer about avoiding the sin of adultery.  In a larger sense, though, these words speak to me about the resplendent walk.

The Christian's salvation is not a one-time experience.  The decision to follow Christ secures eternal life in Heaven with the Savior, but it is not the "end point'.  The decision, though eternal, is called "the new birth" for a reason.  Birth implies that there is a life to follow that birth.  The initial decision, then, is only the beginning of the relationship.  I have now had the tremendous pleasure of walking with Him for 50 years, and I look forward to so many more with Him --- years which cannot even be numbered.  While my remaining years here on Earth may be few, they are the merest blip on a radar screen, compared to eternity.

Here in today's passage, though, we see the prescription for walking well with Him.

1.  The first step of the journey is to clothe ourselves with Christ, and that includes putting on the wisdom of His ways, as revealed in the Bible.  Goodness knows, in our American culture, we have a dizzying array of choices in how to dress ourselves, both with physical garments as well as with life philosophies.  But, "putting on Christ" involves tying around our necks His precepts and commands for righteous living.
2.  Verse 21 goes beyond putting Christ's commands around the neck though.  It goes deeper, to binding them to the heart.  You know, the outward appearance can be deceptive, a distraction even; it's what's in a person's heart that truly defines who (and Whose) he/she is.
Oh Christian!  Studying God's Word is SO crucial!!
We find Jesus Christ's ways revealed in God's Word, the Bible.  It is the "final word", against which all other "spiritual writings" must be measured.  I enjoy reading and listening to various theologians and self-described prophets interpret and prognosticate.  However, I always measure their insights and claims against the unshakeable, immovable Word of God.  This is extremely important.

Otherwise, I might find myself wearing an Easter bonnet with my pajamas....that is, I would not be appropriately "clothed", not "dressed for success", as the 1980's expression went. (The elderly will understand, lol!)

I read a passage on Facebook this morning from a Christian friend.  Here is what she said:

The Lord is after something far more valuable than you being a success, as this world defines it. He is after you being the man or woman He created you to be. If we trust in Him, keep His word, and live our lives for His pleasure, He'll give us the power we need - power to fight the good fight, to finish the race and to keep the faith.

She has paraphrased verse 22 from today's text so well!  Christians should not be seeking after success as the world defines it, because that type of success often runs contrary to the Word of God and, in fact, leads us away from an ever-deepening relationship with our Savior.  The relationship of Savior to Child should be the one which supersedes any and all others, the pre-eminent relationship that endures forever.

Lord Jesus, I reckon You aren't finished with me yet or that I've not yet finished the work You have created me to do.  Thank you for Your incomparable salvation, extended to me.  I'm not, nor will I ever be, worthy of Your great love.  Thank you for these 50 years of relationship walking with You (and especially for the times you carried me).  I can think of nothing more wonderful than being with You either here or in Heaven for many more.  Amen.

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