Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Binding Up Broken Hearts

It is very late here at Casa del Hood.  The day ending has been long and arduous.  About 30 hours ago, I received an urgent call from an institution with which my church is affiliated.  A member of that group was dying, and the loved ones needed sustaining, loving care.  It was an honor to be asked to help in this time of intense sorrow.

The dear one has since passed on into the arms of God. Tomorrow, I will go again to share the love of Jesus Christ, this time with extended family as well as with friends.  I hope you will pardon my absence from this blog, in large part, while assisting in this critical situation.  There are opportunities to share the gospel and to comforting the hurting.  In other words, opportunities to "practice what I preach".  How blessed is that?

The irony was not lost on me that, in the last post, I wrote about death being the final enemy to be vanquished.  And then, a few hours later, this situation presented itself.  (Please forgive the lack of detail.  Many local people read my blog; for this reason, I must be sensitive to the needs of others.) Today, death claimed one more victim, although she was young, loyal, caring, sassy and determined.

But, death does not get the final word, nor the victory.

In just a moment, before heading to bed, I'm going to write the family a letter, to let them know what beautiful things I witnessed concerning their loved one today, what a privilege it was to grieve with their friends.  I pray that He will give me just the right words...words that will build a "caring bridge".

If you are reading this in "real time", please pray for me and for the others, connected heart-to-heart at this time.  Please pray that Jesus Christ will be glorified, that love will flow freely, that judgment will be banished, that memories will be shared, and finally, that hearts will find the beginnings of healing.  Thank you, friends.

He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3

Hallelujah, what a Savior!

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