Friday, January 30, 2015

When It's Convenient...

Good morning!

24-26 A few days later Felix and his wife, Drusilla, who was Jewish, sent for Paul and listened to him talk about a life of believing in Jesus Christ. As Paul continued to insist on right relations with God and his people, about a life of moral discipline and the coming Judgment, Felix felt things getting a little too close for comfort and dismissed him. “That’s enough for today. I’ll call you back when it’s convenient.” At the same time he was secretly hoping that Paul would offer him a substantial bribe. These conversations were repeated frequently.
27 After two years of this, Felix was replaced by Porcius Festus. Still playing up to the Jews and ignoring justice, Felix left Paul in prison.
Acts 24:24-27 The Message

I started reading this morning in Acts (24-28), which ended with Paul living and ministering in Rome.  He was there because he had been arrested by the Romans on trumped-up charges by the Jerusalem Jews.  As a result, for over 2 years, he was in prison in Caesarea, in King Herod's official quarters.  In chapter 24, we learn that, while there, his case was heard by Felix, the Roman governor.  Felix "shilly-shallied", to borrow the term from The Message version, although both he and his Jewish wife, Drusilla, were privileged to hear the gospel straight from Paul's lips.  Felix was very much in love with his power as a Roman governor and feared that he would lose that if he became a follower of Jesus Christ.  His last recorded words in Scripture are:  "I'll call you back when it's convenient."  The Bible says that Felix was stalling Paul in hopes of receiving a bribe to let him go free.  Even when replaced by Festus, Felix continued to deprive Paul of justice and left him in prison for Festus to handle.  Sadly, there is no record of Felix ever becoming a follower of Jesus Christ.

Verse 22 states that Felix knew far more about The Way than he let on.  According to Luke, generally accepted as the writer of Acts, this was a man very familiar with both the Jewish faith and the life and work of Jesus Christ.  Felix is an archetype of, representative of, people who have plenty of "head knowledge" about Jesus Christ, but who never gain the ultra-important "heart knowledge" of Him. The Bible refers to the former category of folks as "wise fools".  Look at Romans 1:22-23.

Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man, birds, four-footed animals, and reptiles.

"Well, Felix didn't do that, did he? - - he was not creating an idol, was he?", you ask.  Absolutely, yes he was! His idol was himself!  Firmly planted on the throne of his own heart, he did not want to risk losing the power, authority, influence and riches he had been given over the Jews by the Romans!  It was not "convenient" for him to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord.

Let me be clear (to quote our current president!): there is no "halfway" with this initial decision about what to do with Jesus, no symbolic gesture, no going through the motions for the sake of appearances.  Surface conversion which does not involve a heart change is not true conversion.  Jesus is either your Lord, or He is not.  (Jesus speaks to this in Matthew 8:18-22, among other places.)

And, after your heart has been zapped by the power of the Holy Spirit, change will be evident.  That does not mean that Christians never sin, of course, but that generally, on-the-whole, they genuinely seek to follow Jesus Christ, honoring Him with the sacrificing of their wills on the altar, day after day, after day.  Taking up the cross and following: this is the "fruit" of salvation, the evidence of a Sprit-transformation.

Today's question:  have you made that decision to follow Jesus, or have you, like Felix, said, "I'll do it when it's convenient."  Be very sure of this: you don't get to specify how much time you have left to make that decision.  Who knows when your last breath will be exhaled?  Don't.Wait.

Christian, Beloved - - - what is God calling you to do that has caused you to respond, "I'll do it when it's convenient"?  If you are saying, "no" or "not yet", to God, be aware that, under the guise of "playing it safe", you are missing out on tremendous blessing.  The abundant life, the joy-filled life, is the life that is lived in total, sold-out obedience to God's calling on your life.

I'm thinking this morning of a young man who recently decided to attend seminary.  This was a man of great prominence and influence in "the world".  His decision shocked (and in truth appalled) many who considered him a "rising star".  I so admire him for his obedience!  He considered the favor of God, who called him to this, more precious than the favor of his fellow man.  Beautiful!  God is probably not calling most of to attend seminary.  But, I am sure of this:  He has a calling, a purpose for each one of us, and will never fail to make that clear to each of us.  That "still, small voice" will tell us.  The question is not "to what" we are called, but rather, whether or not our answer will be "yes, Lord!"

Good morning, Father, thank you for this new day.  Each dawn is a new opportunity to praise You. We are so privileged to learn of You from Your Word, and to be given an opportunity to accept and then serve You, in Spirit and in Truth.  Please make your calling to each of us deafening! Sometimes, often, we are so obtuse, so hard-of-hearing, so stubborn - - - careening through life like a runaway wagon - - - accomplishing little.  And, this is because we have jerked back the control of our lives from Your Hands, sticking our fingers in our ears when You call, certain that we know what is best. How foolish we are!  Thank you for not giving up on us and for continuing to woo us by Your Holy Spirit.  Today, may we step out in faith and answer, "YES!"  In Jesus' name, amen.

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