Saturday, August 9, 2014

Good Timing: The Sovereignty of Our God

Good morning!

We get the impression in Ezra 7 that all that came previously in his book was "before his time".  Ezra was a scribe, which means that he wrote down things of religious significance, including religious history.   In his book, Ezra recorded how God had turned the heart of King Cyrus to approve the building of the temple and to send the artifacts back stolen by Nebuchadnezzar, how God turned the heart of Darius to reinforce Cyrus' decree so that the temple could be completed, and finally, in Ezra's day, how God put it into King Artaxerxes' heart to provide for the reinstitution of the temple sacrifices. The bulk of Ezra 7 (vs. 12-26) is the letter Artaxerxes sent to "make it so".  In each of these cases, I am struck by the beauty of how God set these pagan rulers in place and then used them to accomplish His own purposes.

Right now, in our world, terrible atrocities are being perpetrated upon Christians, genocide, by followers of Islam.  It is an inescapable fact that jihad is a central tenet of Islam.  Jihad basically says to the "infidel":  "Convert or die." Many Christians in America are praying for deliverance for those brothers and sisters in Iraq and other Islamic-dominated countries who are having to make the choice to either renounce their faith in Jesus Christ...or be killed.

The response at present by the leaders of America has been to allow the Islamic army called ISIS to barge across Iraq, committing genocide, right and left.  We are appalled.  We are further appalled that our leaders are doing very little to stop ISIS.

All of this reminds me of America's response to the Nazis, as they slaughtered Jews in the 1930s and early '40s.  America finally did come to their aid, but it was only after an attack on our homeland.

I find this profoundly disturbing.  In fact, looking at various world situations at present, I have to wonder how close we are to one of the wars described in Ezekiel, Daniel or Revelation, one of the wars of "the near end".

One of the principles woven throughout the book of Ezra is that God is in control.  Some mistakenly interpret this to mean that He causes suffering.  This is a lie of Satan, meant to turn people away from the one, true God.  God allows the suffering that man's sin brings.  All evil and the resulting suffering are a result of corporate sin, the sin that first began to infect the human race in the Garden of Eden.

God is in control even as He allows for free will among His creation.  This is one of the major differences between the one, true God and false gods like Satan, who seek to dethrone and imitate Him. Jehovah God, in all His power, allows for the free will of His creation.  God made a way for mankind to be redeemed, through the sacrifice of His only Son, who invites us:  "Come to me, all you who are weary and weighed down by burdens, and I will give you rest."  (Matthew 11:28) By contrast, false gods seek to force worship through intimidation and, as in the case of Islam, brutal conquest.  I have no problem calling this Satanic.

God's timing is also perfect.  We read in Ecclesiastes 8:6 that "there is a time and a way for everything, although man's trouble lies heavily upon him."  Another encouraging verse is Psalm 31:15 - - "My times are in your hand; rescue me from the hand of my enemies and my persecutors."

So, in Ezra 7, Ezra's time to fulfill God's revealed vision to him had come.  But, note something special and very important in verse 10.  Ezra had prepared for this moment.  He had devoted himself to study and preparation for many years.  He had been faithful in the "small" things that could be considered by some to be mundane.  As a result, when the time came for him to spring onto the scene and lead, he was ready.   We are likewise called to faithfully prepare and to be ready - - - to carry out whatever mission God gives us, whether short-term or long-range.

In closing, look with me at Luke 18:7-8
"And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night?  Will He keep putting them off?  I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly.  However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"

We can be certain that God hears the prayers and the cries of his people and, in His perfect timing, He will avenge.  Please join me in praying for deliverance and relief and courage and strength for the persecuted Church around the world.  Let's pray that God will supernaturally intervene, to His honor and glory, that He will make a "big show" to proclaim that He alone is the "Alpha and Omega" God and there is none other!  Then, let's be ready for Him to use each of us as His warriors, however He sees fit.  "Will He find faith on the earth?" This question is for us, present-day believers!   Are you ready?

Dear Father, blessed be Your Righteous Name!   I praise and thank You that not one hair falls from my head without Your knowing it, and that more importantly, You are all-knowing, all-righteous, all-powerful!  Hear the heart cries of Your people today and avenge the blood of these Christian martyrs. Oh Lord, don't let their righteous blood, made righteous through faith in Your Son, be spilled in vain. We worship you as Almighty and know that, in accordance with Your perfect plan, You will make all things right.  Sovereign God, the Lord of Angel Armies....You reign!  In Jesus' name, I offer this prayer before Your throne, amen.

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