Wednesday, August 13, 2014

His "Good Job!"

Good morning!

This morning we are going to meditate on Psalm 90, a psalm that has been attributed to Moses.  This makes it older than many of the others.  David wrote almost half of the 150 psalms we have in the Old Testament.  I believe one or two are attributed to Solomon, and then the rest were wrote by people I've never heard of, probably musicians.  Psalms, you know, were songs, at one time.  We've just lost the original melodies.

I was reading Psalm 90 in The Message version this morning.
Verse 1-2:
"God, it seems you've been our home forever; long before the mountains were born.  Long before you brought earth itself to birth, from "one upon a time" to "kingdom come" {"everlasting to everlasting, in the KJV} - - - you are God."
Wow. These verses affirm that God has always been and will always be.  I would expound upon that but, frankly, I can't even wrap my mind around it.

The psalmist goes on to say in vs.4 that, because God is eternal, He has all the time in the world to be patient with us, His creation, even when we stumble and fall.   Verse 4 is well-known because the psalmist mentions that 1000 years is the same as a day, to God.  I've mentioned this before in earlier blog posts, but it bears repeating.

God is not bound by time.  He sees everything all at once, already accomplished.  He knows every single step we will take, although He does not force us to take it.  His omniscience makes room for our extraordinary free will as humans.  Time is a construct He invented for us, here on the earth.  When He is ready, He will unlock that secret in our hearts, and we too will no longer be constrained by time (or distance, for that matter).

This is why Moses affirms:  "you've been our home forever".  God has known "forever" who would decide to be His, who would choose Him.  I'm so glad I did....far and away the best decision I've ever made.

In verses 12 and on to the end of the psalm, Moses prays that God will "teach us to live wisely and well".  Shouldn't that be the prayer of every Christian?
And, then, verses 16 and 17:
"Let your servants see what you're best at - - - the ways you rule and bless your children.  And let the loveliness of our Lord, our God, rest on us, confirming the work that we do.  Oh, yes!  Affirm the work that we do!"

I've sort of been back at work since the end of July, but things really kick into high gear for me tomorrow, when I teach my first class of the academic year.  I've got a full load this first semester. Some wonder why I retired from full-time work as a principal only to return to work "part-time" as a teacher. The answer is because I love teaching; it is my calling.  At this time of year, especially, this psalm is my prayer:  that God would "affirm the work of my hands" even as He "teaches me to live wisely and well".

There is a friend of mine who has, for many years, been a stay-at-home mom.  Now that her children are "out of the nest", she is feeling a pull to return to the workforce.  She has a field of expertise outside the home, and she'd love to use it again.  That's fine, well and good.  But, I've said to her that, if she is doing this out of some kind of misguided attempt to be "more significant", then it is not of God.

We have a strange idea that some "professions" are more valuable to God than others.  Some say with awe and admiration, "Oooh, you are a doctor!"  or "Ooooh, you are a famous actor!"  or "Oooh, you are a major league baseball player!'  Nonsense!  Do you read in this psalm where any one profession or calling is singled out as being better than others?

We ALL get discouraged in our work.  Satan works there just as he does in other areas of our lives. There are times we all want to "quit" in some form or another.  When "the going gets rough" those are the times we need to stick the closest to God, for His affirmation and guidance.

As long as a person is following God's calling on his or her life and can support him or herself with the work he or she is called to do, then that work is noble.  God honors work and shows His approval when that work enables you to support yourself financially in this world.

My older son is majoring in sociology in college.  Some, when they hear that, scoff and say, "How is he going to make a living at that?"  Well, I don't know.  But, I do know this:  God has His hand on him.  When you are doing what God called you to do, then, the loveliness of your Lord, your God rests on you!  In that respect, "there is no difference between the secular and the sacred."  When the work is from God, when He is in it, it is as sacred as if you were Billy Graham!  Hallelujah!  What an encouragement!

Ah, Lord God!  Rule and bless us today!  Teach us to do Your will, to follow Your path, as we work for You.  If our work is not in line with Your plan for us, please reveal that to us today, Lord, but don't let us be deceived by the evil one and discouraged when our work gets hard.  Lead us in Your way for us, fill us with Your Holy Spirit so that we can accomplish for Your kingdom all that you have in mind for us.  Use us to make "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven."  There is no loveliness like Yours, O God.  Let it rest on us today in the workplace and in the home.  And, affirm the work that You have given to do, establish the work of our hands!  In Jesus' name, amen.

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