Tuesday, October 25, 2016

You Didn't Build That!

Life has become extremely busy, these last few days.  Last week, I blogged only twice (which means I had morning devotions only twice), and that makes me unhappy.  But, the past few days were filled with tremendous blessings, and about that I cannot complain.  Not.One.Bit.

That being said, it is with tremendous delight I have the blessed privilege of jumping back into Bible study this afternoon.  Let's resume with Hebrews 3, shall we?

Barak Obama was right.  (Some of you who know me well are laughing right about now!)  Do you remember how, during his tenure as president, Obama made the highly inflammatory statement, "You didn't build that!"  He was talking to a group of people about the small businesses they had "built", making the point that, had not the government provided them the infrastructure and undergirding necessary for the success of the businesses, those initiatives could not have succeeded.1

Now, I am not going to argue the politics of his statement here.  I am, however, going to make that point that, all political considerations aside, you certainly "didn't build that".

4For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.
Hebrews 3:4 NASB

Just this morning, I was sitting talking with a Christian sister about the church start-up we are both involved with as some of the initial pioneers.  We were reflecting on how God has put that group of pioneers together so very beautifully, so that needs are being met and work is getting done.  In fact, we were agreeing on how stunned we were over the beauty of it!  If we had tried our best to hand-pick people to come on board the project, we would have done an inferior job.  People have volunteered talents we did not know they had.  Who led them to volunteer?  God did.  He knew.  We have even been able to see how years ago He put people into key positions, the purposes of which were not clear at the time.  Looking back, those moves now make perfect sense...

It is oh-so-tempting to look at how God uses us in ministry and to get puffed up with pride..."Look what I did!"  Well, no, you didn't.  But, God did.  He used you to accomplish His purposes, to cause His will to be done...on earth as it is in Heaven.  Whether He used you willingly or unwillingly, He used the gifts and talents He gave you, to accomplish His will.

Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!
Psalm 90:17 ESV

The Builder of All Things...is God.

Oh Lord Christ!  The universe is Your workmanship, but the Church is of it all the most rare, curious and excellent piece.  No less power was required to make the Church than was required to create the universe.  The latter was made out of nothing, and the former out of materials, flawed people, altogether unfit for such a magnificent building.  I am in awe of all Your works, and am so very grateful to be called not only Your daughter, but also Your servant.  Amen.


1  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKjPI6no5ng

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