Saturday, October 4, 2014

And I know, yes, I know...

Good morning.

As I got up this morning, the theme of Jesus' blood was running through my mind.  Why?
Because it brings me such comfort on a sad day as this.

Here's the song that I could hear as I started making a pan of brownies for a funeral meal this afternoon:

So, why this song?  On a day that is very sad, a day when my church family says "good-bye" to one of our youngest, a teen seemingly "cut down" in the prime of life, why this?

Please understand ... Christians believe with all of their hearts that physical death is not the end. Instead, it is a continuation of life, and the beginning of eternity.

This young friend has started his eternity, as will we all at some point undetermined by us, yet firmly established by God.  The time of our transition is unknown to us.

Doesn't it make sense to be ready for eternity?  Some of us ... we prepare for a trip to the beach (we pack our bags) or to the store (we take our list)....but we don't prepare for the most important trip we'll ever make.

Based on his life and testimony I know, yes I know, that my young friend had chosen wisely.  He had prepared.  He IS in Heaven.

I have chosen wisely as well.  Whether my appointed time to step over the threshold into eternity may be today, next week or in three decades ... I know, yes, I know that I too will be in Heaven, with my Savior.  "And sorrow and sighing shall flee away..."  (Isaiah 35:10)

The worst funerals are the ones where, as you're sitting there mourning, you really don't know if the person is in Heaven or not.  Don't be fooled.  According to the Bible, not everyone ends up there, regardless of what popular culture says.

Jesus plainly declares that He and only He issues the one-way tickets to Heaven.  I mentioned the larger passage in yesterday's blog, but here is the specific verse, John 14:6 - -

Jesus answered him, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me."

Through our tears we can rejoice that Alex lived well.  Although his life was short, he lived it to the fullest for his Savior.  What a testimony of God's love and grace!

Today, at Alex's funeral, the gospel message will be preached with power.  Please, Christian brothers and sisters, pray with me that those who hear it will receive it with open ears and open hearts, and respond by making a decision to accept and follow Jesus.

Now, what about you, unbeliever?  The song I referenced earlier says, 
"And I know, yes, I know... Jesus' blood can make the vilest sinner clean."
He did that for me.  Our inborn sin nature makes ALL of us "the vilest sinner" in the eyes of God.

"There is none righteous, no, not one."
Romans 3:10

That is why we need Jesus' blood, the only remedy to "wash away" our sins.  His substitutionary death, burial and resurrection make us right with God.
Have you accepted His sacrifice on your behalf?  Are you His?  I beg you to make that decision for Him today!  It is the best decision you will ever make, because it has consequences for all eternity.

 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ; it is the power of God to effect our salvation." 

Lord Jesus, thank you that we can know, truly know that we are Heaven-bound.  Father, please breathe Your Holy Spirit out all over the events of this day.  I pray specifically for Alex's family, that You would bind up their wounds today and in the days to come.  Let them feel the love of their Savior, and the Body of Christ, their fellow believers.  I pray for those involved in the funeral service. Please fill them with Your Holy Spirit and anoint every word that comes out of their mouths.  I pray for the musicians as well, Lord, that You would bless their musical offerings.  Finally, Father, please pour out Your mighty, saving power on those hearers who come to say "good-bye".  For people to come to know You through Alex's death - - - he would be delighted!  In fact, rejoicing in Heaven, I can't think of anything that would please him more.  Thank you for his life and testimony, Lord.  He was such a blessing to us, and I know he will bring You much delight as he praises and glorifies You forever.  In Jesus' name, amen. 

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